Danielle Riberio from Great.com interviewed the Center for Economic Accountability as part of their ‘Great.com Talks With…’ podcast. This series is an antidote to negative news stories that aims to shed light on organizations and experts whose work is making a positive impact on the world.

America today gives more subsidies to stadiums than any other country in the world. Professional sports teams in America are receiving hundreds of millions of dollars for something they’re fully capable of covering themselves. The need to reform state and local subsidies and incentives in the United States falls on deaf ears. In this episode, Danielle talked with John Mozena, Director at the Center for Economic Accountability.

The CEA is a nonprofit organization that wants to reform poor governance practices that affect Americans, but their biggest challenge is to get people to pay attention. Namely, most Americans aren’t aware of where taxpayer money goes to.

Free Market Based Reforms on State and Local Level

The CEA’s mission is to promote economic growth by promoting free market based reforms build on transparency and accountability. If companies are receiving subsidies to create jobs, the government must keep track of these claims., and the CEA wants to achieve exactly that. Companies must be held accountable for receiving money and creating jobs in case they fail to reach that goal.

The CEA partners with organizations and stakeholders across different industries to make state and local economies freer, fair, and open to all. 

Great.com is a philanthropic project working to fix the global climate crisis. They believe this is the largest problem facing mankind and know that it will take quick and creative action to solve it. Erik Bergman is the founder of Great.com, and he made his name by building one of the most successful businesses in the online casino industry. He’s taking all his gambling knowledge and experience and putting it into Great.com, which is designed to generate profit as a New Jersey online casino affiliate 100% of which will be donated to climate research.

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